11. How many shots per tank?


With a 3000psi scuba tank you can fill up to 15-20 times small compressed air tanks. Air tanks capacity is a relationship between the space in cubic inches (cu.) and the tank maximum pressure strength (psi).
You can have 10 shoots per cu. at 3000psi and 15 shoots per cu. at 4500psi.
Example: 68cu./3000 = 680 shoots
68cu./4500 = 1,020 shoots

CO2 is a liquid is measured by weight. A 50 pound CO2 big tank is the equivalent of 800 ounces, meaning, you can fill like 40 tanks of 20oz.

The CO2 tank pressure are between 600psi to 900psi depends of the temperature.

When the pressure drops during each shot, the liquid changes to gas maintaining the top maximum pressure, how fast the pressure rise to the top, depends of the tank's temperature. The hotter the temperature is , the faster it evaporates. The tanks never are fully filled, keeping a space for the evaporation process.

You can get up to 50 shoots per once.
Example: 50 x 20(oz) = 1000 shoots.

Tip: If you play in hot weather like Florida or use heavy duty guns, like Tippmann mostly use in woods ball, I suggested to stay with CO2.

If you live in cold weather or play in tournaments requiring fast shooting, stay with Compress Air.

To get a idea, a 68cu. carbon fiber are like the size dimensions of 20oz CO2. I don't suggest to get a tank bigger than that, you will have difficulties to play, unless you want to be like Rambo.

Take in consideration that not many places have the compressor machine to reach 4500 psi, you might be stuck with 3000 anyway. I suggest to check your local air supplier store before you choose to pay more for a 4500psi tank.

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